DHRpro is Exhibiting at the 2025 Business of Retina Meeting
March 28 – 30 in Atlanta, GA
Please join us at the Loews Atlanta Hotel for the 2025 ASRS Annual Business of Retina meeting. We’ll be exhibiting and look forward to showing you how we help practices across the country become more efficient, provide better care, and maximize revenue – regardless of the EHR they use.
DHRpro is a patient visualization and decision support dashboard that sits on top of existing EHR and PM systems. While today’s patient data is vast and often disorderly, we sort through it all to find the information you care most about and present it with clarity like never before. We don’t disrupt your existing infrastructure; we help you take control of it!
Schedule a Personalized Demo with us at ASRS
No two practices are the same and the software tools you use every day shouldn’t be either. Stop by and we’ll show you how DHRpro can be customized to meet the unique demands of your practice.