Saying goodbye is, in most cases, very hard to do.
It’s one of those things that, no matter how much time passes, will likely never change. When it comes to ushering in a New Year, especially after another year where Covid-19 has dictated so much of how what we do and how we interact with each other, saying Goodbye to 2022 doesn’t feel quite so heavy on our shoulders.
Since its inception in 2016, DHRpro and its employees have worked hard toward the goal of providing doctors, billers, and administrators with a way to streamline their workspace, providing them with the most information about their patients in a quick and easy-to-read format.
Here are some of the milestones we reached in 2022.
- Complete Reporting Overhaul: Easy to use Categories, Functionality, and Filter Tool Tips make it easier to ask the hard questions.
- Clinical Reporting Export Functionality: Export of Clinical Reporting Results into Excel-compatible format allows further analysis of At-Risk Patients.
- Better Flowsheet Interaction: Now, you can highlight or downplay values in the Flowsheet.
- Filter Patient Appointments by Doctor Specialty, so you can focus on the Conditions you care about.
- Diagnostic Test Frequency Alerts are now individually configurable by Specialty.
- Choose your preferred Diagnostic Images and they will be pinned to the top of the image thumbnails.
- Patient Balance has been added to the Flowsheet Header for easy reference.
- Not every EHR shares all the data or shares it in the same way. As such, DHRpro now reads and imports the Exam Document results into the Dynamic Patient Record.
- Limitations to how many rows can be viewed on a single page have been removed so you can scroll through all of the results.
We asked doctors what they would like to see about their patients, and the above list shows just some of the highlights of what we provided. 2022 was a very busy year for DHRpro, and 2023 is ramping up to be even busier. Not only do we strive to help doctors in the Ophthalmology field, but we will also soon be branching out into other medical specialties as well.
Helping doctors provide the best patient care is at the forefront of our calendar, and the sky is the limit!
From the DHRpro family to yours, Happy New Year! Here’s to our best health!