Kimberly Cockerham, MD, FACS
Adjunct Clinical Associate Professor, Stanford University School of Medicine
Founder, Let's Face It Together Foundation
Kimberly Cockerham, MD, FACS is a recipient of the AAO Senior Achievement Award, Who’s Who in American Women, Who’s Who in Medicine, Best Doctors in America, and two UCSF Star Awards for Excellence. Dr. Cockerham has extensive experience investigating wound healing and fibrosis within the context of ophthalmology, orbital disease, facial plastics and neuro-ophthalmology.
She is currently an Adjunct Clinical Associate Professor in the Department of Ophthalmology at Stanford University and is in private practice at Central Valley Eye Medical Group and Senta Clinic. She served as Chief of Oculoplastics and Orbital Disease at Walter Reed Army Medical Center and UCSF.
Dr. Cockerham has published over 100 peer reviewed articles, papers and chapters and co-authored two books. She serves as a reviewer for many journals in print and online and is a consultant and on the medical advisory board for Horizon Therapeutics and Viridian Pharmaceuticals. She provides tele-eye services for the emergency departments of various hospitals in California. Dr. Cockerham enjoys teaching and runs a fellowship in neuro-ophthalmology, eyelid/orbital oncology and oculofacial restoration.
Dr. Cockerham’s research interests have been focused on mitigating inflammation, fibrosis and combating ocular cancers.
Dr. Cockerham’s non-profit foundation “Let’s Face It Together” provides care for under-insured and uninsured patients with autoimmune or post-traumatic ocular, facial alterations, and/or brain injury.