Leonard H. Ginsburg, MD
Founder and CMO
For more than 30 years, Leonard H. Ginsburg, MD has been on a mission to connect healthcare professionals through a multi-disciplinary, holistic approach to total patient care. This mission led Dr. Ginsburg to open Moore Eye Institute in collaboration with several hospital systems. Such partnerships opened doors for Moore Eye Institute to introduce high-end new-age technology such as indocyanine green digital angiography (third in the U.S.) and first to introduce OCT, now the most common diagnostic test in eye care, in the Pennsylvania, Delaware, and New Jersey regions.
Dr. Ginsburg’s work in health systems enabled him to bring together many specialists resulting in his chairing two multi-specialty diabetes centers with endocrinologists, nephrologists, podiatrists, ophthalmologists, and diabetes educators. He also served as the regional President of the American Diabetes Association and was one of the only ophthalmologists in America to become a Certified Diabetes Educator. These hospitals also supported his work in residency programs. Dr. Ginsburg was Clinical Chief at Drexel University’s Department of Ophthalmology and now serves as Chairman of the Ophthalmology Residency Program at PCOM.
Having always been intent on ophthalmology working closely with the rest of medicine, Dr. Ginsburg has served in various leadership roles to promote such ideals. He was Vice Chairman of the American Medical Association Ophthalmology Section Council for eight years, representing all major ophthalmology organizations. And while representing the American Society of Retinal Specialists to the AMA, he co-authored the booklet, “The Revealing Retina – What All Physicians Should Know.”
His interest in operational efficiency, clinical reporting, and diabetes led to many abstracts, articles, book chapters, and presentations, including co-authoring “The Focal Points of the AAO: Diabetic Retinopathy Classification Progression and Management,” “Doctors are Held Responsible for What They Do Not Know,” and more than 100 others.
Early in his career, he became knowledgeable about the importance of computers in connecting people and data. While Chairing the American Association of University Students, IBM donated 50 computers to connect student governments, and with the help of Uni-Col and using ARPANET, the first student computer network was created in 1984. In 1985 the International Association of Universities which represented 800 major universities from 120 nations, met in Los Angeles. Dr. Ginsburg served as chairman of the student section.
This background made it natural to discover a solution for what most physicians find frustrating. 1) Having to enter data into an EHR yet struggling to locate that data, and 2) Poorly coordinated patient care amongst doctors in the same or different specialties in different EHRs – faxes are not a solution! These common struggles motivated him to create DHRpro to allow the data to finally work for the doctors, and to have the capabilities to share that data across all EHRs.
Dr. Ginsburg went to college and medical school at the University of Pennsylvania. He completed his ophthalmology residency at Albert Einstein College of Medicine Center in NY, and he was a retinal fellow at Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary and the Joslin Diabetes Center of Harvard University. He enjoys spending time with his wife, five kids, nine grandchildren, studying archeology and horticulture, and scuba diving.