DHRpro's Unrivalled Actionable Reporting
Helps Clinicians, Administrators, and Billers
DHRpro’s unrivalled actionable reporting module helps practices filter and interact with their patient data in a way that’s uniquely powerful. By supplementing your EHR and PM system’s existing clinical and financial reporting library, we help doctors, practice administrators, and billing managers work more efficiently.
Click on a patient anywhere in any of our reports for instant interaction with that patient’s dashboard and billing history. Gone are the days of copying and pasting patient ID numbers into search bars while reviewing reports. Just like our flowsheet, all of the information you need is only one click away in DHRpro reports.
DHRpro’s reporting module helps doctors quickly identify at-risk patients in danger of missing important treatments or diagnostic testing. What’s more, we help administrators fill empty appointment slots, while billers manage receivables more easily and efficiently than ever before.
Actionable Reporting for Clinicians
From a clinician’s perspective, it’s important to identify patients with one or more diagnoses to ensure compliance with preferred practice patterns. They may have different types of treatment for patients who have IOPs and/or visual acuity within particular ranges. Also, there may be patients who do not have important future appointments scheduled within defined date ranges.
Our actionable clinical reports can filter out this information by provider and location in mere seconds. At the same time, these patient reports mirror DHRpro’s streamlined dashboard in terms of presentation and column categories. Our report results provide a snapshot of patient care histories with summary rows and/or last visit rows for all patients matching the filter criteria. With so much information at your fingertips, you can now make informed decisions and send tasks to your staff without ever leaving the report.
Imagine that you could run report that shows your at-risk diabetic patients with wet AMD who had anti-VEGF treatments within the past calendar year, yet have no future appointments. Then, what if you could identify all patients who cancelled appointments for treatments and haven’t rescheduled? How hard would it be for you to pull up a list of patients who had cataract surgery and did not return for post-operative care? What if you wanted to know how many glaucoma patients haven’t had a visual field in more than 18 months?
In your current EMR or PM, how hard would it be for you to find this information? How much of your valuable time would it take? Finally, with DHRpro’s actionable reporting, you can identify all of these patients in a matter of seconds!
Actionable Reporting for Practice Administrators and Billing Managers
Do you have to wait forever just to see report results in your PM system? Are you troubled by false positives and inaccurate results? Is there a way to filter out useless information? Are you stuck waiting to print or export reports just to take action? Are the reports you really need available? Do you feel like you have to wait for someone to carve the results in stone, only to end up with a stone-carved report you can do nothing with?
At DHRpro, we feel your pain and we’ve delivered!
- Interactive, actionable reporting
- Reporting on every step in the billing process
- • Not billed
- • In progress
- • Denied
- • Patient Responsibility
- Paid
- Accurate filters to see only what matters
- Sort, group, and filter after the report has been generated
- Create tasks for an entire group of results based on your selections
- Export everything or just what you need based on your selections
- Identify where your practice needs to focus resources
- Get paid faster!